Starting with Ruby & Cucumber

(Just a small post mostly for myself, in case i forget) I've been playing a bit with ruby the last couple of days, mostly because i migth get to use it at work later on and a saw i short demo by Thomas Lundström on cucumber at the latest Alt.Net Öresund meeting. However his demo was on IronRuby testing .Net code and it was too slow to be useful . So here's a short summary of how to implement the example on the cucmber homepage. First the feature, just a plain text file defining the scenario we want to test:
Feature: Addition
  In order to aviod silly misstakes
  As a math idiot
  I want to be told the sum of two numbers

  Scenario: Add two numbers
    Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
    And I have entered 70 into the calculator
    When I press add
    Then The result should be 120 on the screen
Next is the parser, that parses the feature, so no magic here. Unless you think RegEx is magic.
require 'spec/expectations'

Before do
	@calculator =

Given /^I have entered (\d+) into the calculator$/ do |n|

When /^I press (\w+)$/ do |op|
  @result = @calculator.op(op)

Then /^The result should be (\d+) on the screen$/ do |n|
  @result.should == n.to_f
Then the Implementation, this once just has a couple of methods, but can be extened with more if needed.
class Calculator
  def push(n)
    @args ||= []
    @args << n

  def op(type)
	res = 0
	case type
		when "add"
				@args.each do |input|
				  res += input
So, to run it you need to have Cucubmer & RSpec installed, fastest way to install them is to do:
gem install cucumber
gem install rspec
When everything is installed just do
cucumber addition.feature
and your result should look something like this:
Feature: Addition
  In order to aviod silly misstakes
  As a math idiot
  I want to be told the sum of two numbers

  Scenario: Add two numbers                     # addition.feature:6
    Given I have entered 50 into the calculator # steps.rb:7
    And I have entered 70 into the calculator   # steps.rb:7
    When I press add                            # steps.rb:11
    Then The result should be 120 on the screen # steps.rb:15

1 scenario
4 passed steps
But all the lines starting with Given, And, When, Then should be in green if the test passed